How to verify if my cellular device is communicating

When your device suddenly stops sending photos, it is important to check if your device is still communicating, as the troubleshooting steps are a little different. 


Verify the Last Communication by logging into your app > Cameras tab > Status > Last Communication. Take note of the last communication date and time. 

*Your cellular device has not yet communicated if you see a message “This camera has not reported yet.”


Verify your Transfer Frequency and First Transfer Time by selecting the Cameras tab > Settings > Cellular Setup 


Now you can calculate the number of missed communications, if any.  

Transfer Frequency  Number of hours between each detection Calculating the Transfer times  
Daily Transfer Times 
Ex: First Transfer Time is at 1:57 PM (13h57) 
1 time per day Every 24 hours First Transfer Time + 24 hours 1:57 PM every day 
2 times per day Every 12 hours First Transfer Time + 12 hours 1:57 PM and 1:57 AM every day 
6 times per day Every 4 hours First Transfer Time + 4 hours 1:57 PM, 5:57 PM, 9:57 PM, 1:57 AM, 5:57 AM, 9:57 AM 
12 times per day Every 2 hours First Transfer Time + 2 hours 1:57 PM, 3:57 PM, 5:57 PM, 7:57 PM, 9:57 PM, 11:57 PM, 1:57 AM, 3:57 AM, 5:57 AM, 7:57 AM, 9:57 AM 11:57 AM 
Each Detection Variable First Transfer Time + 24 hours and every time a photo is triggered 1:57 PM and every time a photo is triggered 

You can see how many transfers your cellular device missed by using the “Transfer Frequency” your cellular device is set to. Example: If the Transfer Frequency is 6 times per day. It means the camera transfers every 4 hours. If the First Transfer Time is 1:57 PM (13h57), the next transfer would be at 5:57 PM (17h57) (4 hours later). 

You then verify the Last Communication, which is the last time the camera transferred photos. Let’s say for my example, that it is currently 5:25 PM (17h25) and that the last transfer time was 1:57 AM (1h57). This means your cellular device missed its transfers at 5:57 AM (5h57), 9:57 AM (9h57) and 1:57 PM (13h57). Your cellular device then missed 3 transfers. 

Please note: 

  • The Last Communication is the last time the device has connected to our server. Each device, when turned ON, should communicate at least once every day.  
  • If you have missed 4 or more consecutive communications, you will need to access your device to troubleshoot. 
  • The information displayed on the Status page is not ''live''. The information you see is from the Last Communication of the device. There could be variations between the battery life showing in the status page and the current battery life of your cellular device. The same applies for the signal strength. 
  • After 4 consecutive missed communications, the device goes into survival mode, meaning it will only communicate every 24 hours. Turning the device OFF and then back ON resolves this issue. 


Now that you know if your device is communicating, you can try to resolve the issue by following the steps in one of the two following articles: 

Activation Issues:

My Cellular Device has Communicated but has Never Sent any Photos

My Cellular Device has Never Sent any Photos or Communicated

My cellular device stopped sending photos:

My device is in-hand: How to get my device to send photos once again

My device is NOT in-hand: How to get my device to send photos once again

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