How Images and Videos are Saved

  1. Resolution and format of the images changes depending on the camera. A photo is taken immediately after the detection system detects motion. Photos are taken in color during the day and in black and white at night.
  2. For best results, use good batteries and a compatible memory card in the camera. Refer to the “What to do before taking your camera to the field” for more info.
  3. Photos are sorted on the memory card immediately after they are taken. Photos will be recorded on the DCIM folder on the memory card. You will then need to open the DSCIM subfolders to access the full-size photos. The other photo folders are for cellular transfers (present on the memory card for cellular products only).
  4. It is possible to adjust the quality of the photos taken in the settings. The higher the quality of the photos, the more space they take up on the memory card.
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