Latest firmware released: August 10, 2022
Installation instructions for PC :
- Format the SD card (Format : FAT32).
You may watch this tutorial on YouTube. - Download the update file depending on where you bought the device.
- American devices: v1.8.0-4 US (254 Mb)
- European devices: v1.8.0-4 EUR (254 Mb)
- Open the downloaded .zip file by double-clicking on it.
- Extract the files from the .zip file.
- Copy the extracted files into the SD card.
It is important to copy the files AND NOT the folder:Good “SD Card: \ Files”Not Good “SD Card: \ VXXX_V1.0x.0x \ Files” - Make sure the camera is turned OFF.
- Insert the SD card into the camera.
- Cover the camera or put it on a table (face down), to avoid any false trigger during the update.
- Turn the camera on.
- Wait until the LED status light completely turns OFF.
Installation instructions for MAC :
- Format the SD card (Format : MS-DOT(FAT).
You may watch this tutorial on YouTube. - Download the update file above, depending on where you bought the device.
- American devices: v1.8.0-4 US MAC (254 Mb)
- European devices: v1.8.0-4 EUR MAC (254 Mb)
- Double-click on the .zip file.
- Copy the extracted files onto the SD card.
It is important to copy the files AND NOT the folder:
Good “SD Card: \ Files”
Not Good “SD Card: \ VXXX_V1.0x.0x \ Files” - Click to open the file : MacOS_PrepareSDCard.command.
- Eject the SD card from the computer.
- Make sure the camera is turned OFF.
- Insert the SD card into the camera.
- Cover the camera or put it on a table (face down), to avoid any false trigger during the update.
- Turn the camera on.
- Wait until the LED status light completely turns OFF.