How to update your V300 camera firmware


Latest firmware released: August 10, 2022

Installation instructions for PC :
  1. Format the SD card (Format : FAT32).
    You may watch this tutorial on YouTube.
  2. Download the update file depending on where you bought the device.
    1. American devices: v1.8.0-4 US (254 Mb)
    2. European devices: v1.8.0-4 EUR (254 Mb)
  3. Open the downloaded .zip file by double-clicking on it.
  4. Extract the files from the .zip file.
  5. Copy the extracted files into the SD card.
    It is important to copy the files AND NOT the folder:Good “SD Card: \ Files”Not Good “SD Card: \ VXXX_V1.0x.0x \ Files”
  6. Make sure the camera is turned OFF.
  7. Insert the SD card into the camera.
  8. Cover the camera or put it on a table (face down), to avoid any false trigger during the update.
  9. Turn the camera on.
  10. Wait until the LED status light completely turns OFF.
Installation instructions for MAC :
  1. Format the SD card (Format : MS-DOT(FAT).
    You may watch this tutorial on YouTube.
  2. Download the update file above, depending on where you bought the device.
    1. American devices: v1.8.0-4 US MAC (254 Mb)
    2. European devices: v1.8.0-4 EUR MAC (254 Mb)
  3. Double-click on the .zip file.
  4. Copy the extracted files onto the SD card.
    It is important to copy the files AND NOT the folder:
    Good “SD Card: \ Files”
    Not Good “SD Card: \ VXXX_V1.0x.0x \ Files”
  5. Click to open the file : MacOS_PrepareSDCard.command.
  6. Eject the SD card from the computer.
  7. Make sure the camera is turned OFF.
  8. Insert the SD card into the camera.
  9. Cover the camera or put it on a table (face down), to avoid any false trigger during the update.
  10. Turn the camera on.
  11. Wait until the LED status light completely turns OFF. 
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